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Make Extra Money Online During the Holidays: Ebay Auctions

Thursday, November 29, 2007

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Last night, I offered up two of my old digital cameras for sale to the chat room. Nothing is wrong with either of them… in fact, they aren’t really even old. Then it hit me. Why not throw these up on Ebay in auctions?

Even though I’ve used ebay for years to buy things, I have never before sold anything. So, I created a seller’s account, and off I went. It was actually a lot easier than I expected it to be. Using the picture tutorial made starting my auction a snap. You’d be surprised at some of the things you can make money off of on Ebay. Think of all the things lying around your house that you dont’ use anymore. You don’t want to throw them away, do you? They still work! Why not list them for sale and make a few bucks?

I listed several things I had lying around. Surprisingly, the autographed mouse pad is going for about $40.00! Ya just have to love our community members. I also listed several other items on my L0ckergn0me ebay account. Yes, that is typed correctly. The word Lockergnome is spelled with zeros, instead of o’s. Thus: L0ckergn0me.

Instead of going out to get yet another job for the holidays, why not consider making your shopping money by selling things you no longer want or use?

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[Source: The Chris Pirillo Show - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]




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