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BWE’S SHAMELESS PRODUCT PROMOTION: Gemmy’s Incredible Holiday Light Show!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

XMAS TREE 1234.JPGIt’s a rare day that the team here at BWE receives packages and gifts from companies that aren’t ticking (and we’d like to thank McGillicutty’s Tickery for their generosity over the last few months). But a few weeks ago, a giant box arrived on our lightly treaded doorstep here in midtown Manhattan that looked seriously gifty and fun. And it was. Because the good people over at Gemmy Industries (which is a real company and not something dreamed up by the Coen Brothers) had the good sense to give us a 4 ft. Tall Incredibly Holiday Light Show Tree, basically the best thing in the world. Sure, it might just sound like a regular old electronic fake Christmas tree, but oh, it is so much more.

The tree — which resides directly next to my computer monitor — is covered in some pretty classy LED bulbs that display a rainbow of beautiful colors, from Arctic White, to Pink, to Blue, to OMGZ so many colors. But the best part? The best part is that it comes equipped with a speaker that blasts no less than 4,500 decibels worth of Christmas Music, with the lights dancing in time with the music.

XMAS TREE 123.JPGSo, how does this apply to you? Well, you can put this little guy in your front yard, set it to “motion sensor mode”, and cause heart attacks to anyone walking by your property! If you’ve never seen your neighbors sh*t their pants to Jingle Bells… now’s your chance.

In all seriousness, this tree is the hit of the office, filling everyone with holiday cheer. So take a look at the Gemmy website (along with this helpful downloadable video), and you can pick it up at Home Depot. EARNESTNESS ALERT: We love this tree! We’re even putting it in our Christmas Podcast… The end.

(If you would like to mail us free products, we are more than happy to “review them”. E-mail us at info@bwe.tv)

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